PowerNukkit 支持更多单机特性的内核 支持基岩版1.17

Cores PowerNukkit 支持更多单机特性的内核 支持基岩版1.17



  • #1107 Guava 版本 从 29.0 更新到 30.1.1
  • #1107 SnakeYAML 版本 从 1.26 更新到 1.28
  • #1134 更新 汉语, 俄语,土耳其语 的翻译. Thank you for your contributions!
  • #1149 更新 西班牙语和俄语翻译. 改善了找不到插件依赖时的提示信息. Thank you for your contributions!
  • #1177 更新 葡萄牙语、汉语和波兰语翻译. Also added the key language.locale to allow plugin devs to build a Locale object
  • #1150 The show_death_message gamerule was renamed to show_death_messages. A backward compatibility code will keep the old one working, but it's now deprecated.
  • #1151 优化 /setworldspawn 命令的自动补全
  • #1153 弃用 BlockNetherBrick 改为使用BlockBricksNether
  • #783 篝火现在总是掉落 2 个木炭
  • #783 灵魂篝火现在会掉落 1 个灵魂沙
  • #783 灵魂营火现在造成的伤害是普通营火造成的伤害的两倍
  • #783 Campfire and Soul campfire now deal damage even the entity is sneaking
  • #783 Campfire and Soul campfire now breaks when pushed by piston
  • #669 Improved the output of the /kill @e command


  • #1146 Added implementation for AnimateEntityPacket
  • #1150 The freeze_damage gamerule
  • #1150 Mappings for Goat, Glow Squid, and Axolotl entities and spawn eggs
  • #783 Campfire and Soul Campfire can now be lit by burning entities stepping on it
  • #783 Campfire and Soul Campfire can now be unlit by throwing a splash water bottle on it
  • #783 Campfire and Soul Campfire can now lit by using an item enchanted with fire aspect
  • #669 New API methods to get the name of the entity for display


  • #1119 修复 TickSyncPacket 没有注册 的问题
  • #1120 Entities sometimes gets invisible for some players
  • #1122 Backward compatibility with plugins setting full bark logs with 17:13
  • #1132 You don't dismount the vehicle when you teleport, causing you to glitch
  • #1103 The output message of the /enchant command
  • #1100 Abrupt Time Change
  • #1130 Soul Campfire and End Crystal were rendering as other items in the inventory
  • #1139 Backward compatibility with some custom world generators
  • #1147 Sharpness damage calculation
  • #1153 Some code quality issues reported by sonar
  • #1170 Cobwebs are now breakable by using shears
  • #702 Burning arrow and rain will make a lot of particles
  • #625 If you instant kill a mob with fire aspect enchant tool, it will not give fire aspect drops
  • #979 Fixes an issue where the players could not hear each other walking
  • #576 Swmming in a 1x1 tunnel of water was causing suffocation damage by the block above the player
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