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Plugins PocketMine Plugin Pack For 1.7.x MiencraftBE Server 1.0.0

Here is some important and perfcet plugin for Minecraft Bedrock Edition 1.7.x Server that use PocketMine.

* All plugins is not made by me!I just put them together and share with all of you!
* This pack is free to use,but you can not resell it!

* AllAPILoader - Make your server load other Plugin API!
* AntiSpamPro
* BanWarn
* BlainHud - Show a popup (底部) to your players!
* BlainJoin - Send a message to players when they join!
* BoostPad
* FromAPI
* iProtect
* PurePerm
* PureChat
* SkyWars
* PvPLevel - Kill other players and improve your level!
* Slpper - Make your server create NPC!