by EvolSoft
#Height limit (by default ops have limitheight.bypass permission set and they can bypass the limit)高度限制(默认为OPS有limitheight.bypass权限集,他们可以绕过限制)
height-limit: 64
#Show message on limit reached显示达到限制的提示消息
show-message: true
#Show plugin prefix on message消息显示插件前缀
show-prefix: true
message: "&cYou can't build over the height of {LIMIT} blocks!"
#World list where limit is disabled禁用限制的世界列表
#For example: 举个例子
# - world
# - world2
disabled-in-worlds: []
#Height limit (by default ops have limitheight.bypass permission set and they can bypass the limit)高度限制(默认为OPS有limitheight.bypass权限集,他们可以绕过限制)
height-limit: 64
#Show message on limit reached显示达到限制的提示消息
show-message: true
#Show plugin prefix on message消息显示插件前缀
show-prefix: true
message: "&cYou can't build over the height of {LIMIT} blocks!"
#World list where limit is disabled禁用限制的世界列表
#For example: 举个例子
# - world
# - world2
disabled-in-worlds: []